
Founded in June 2021, Shree Rama Managers LLP is a SEBI-Registered Portfolio Management Services Company (SEBI Reg. Number: INP300007341) that aims to change the way people invest, create revolutionary financial products, and help investors achieve their financial goals faster. In an age of information overdose, this PMS company aims to provide ethical advice always and abides by the fiduciary standard to guide investors to attain financial independence. Consisting of a dedicated team of seasoned financial advisors led by the founder Mohit Beriwala, Shree Rama Managers offers customized financial solutions depending upon the risk profile, investment horizon, and unique financial goals of each client.

The PMS Company has a wide range of plans that are exclusively designed to minimize risks and maximize returns. The minimum investment amount required for each plan is Rs. 50 lakhs and Kotak Mahindra Bank is the custodian of the PMS company.

Shree Rama Managers has two passive plans, namely Shree Wealth Builder & Shree Dynamic, that have exposure to Indian & International Equity, Real Estate, Debt, and gold. The plans move between equity and debt as also between equity and non-equity asset classes; have low-cost structures and are not affected by major market upheavals.

The PMS Company also has two active equity funds (Shree Lakshmi & Shree Vriddhi) based on the S & P BSE 500 TRI Index.

All clients have the opportunity to invest directly in the various plans without the intermediation of persons engaged in distribution services.

Shree Rama Managers firmly believes in maintaining the highest level of transparency and efficiency in financial transactions and values the trust of each investor above everything else.